
CMS Revises DME Face-to-Face Requirements

On November 1, 2012, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) released a final Durable Medical Equipment (“DME”) face-to-face policy. As a pre-condition to payment, the rule requires that a beneficiary receive a face-to-face encounter with a Physician, Physician Assistant (“PA”), Nurse Practitioner (“NP”), or Clinical Nurse Specialist (“CNP”) within six months prior to a DME order. The encounter must then be documented in the medical record and communicated to the DME provider with the order.

The final rule makes the following key changes:

• Delays implementation of the DME policy until July 1, 2013 and clarifying that the rule will only apply to DME orders made after the implementation date.

• Expands the timeframe between the face-to-face encounter and order of DME to six months, although it eliminates the option of having the face-to-face encounter occur within thirty days following the order.

• Clarifies that Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and Clinical Nurse Specialists may complete the face-to-face encounter, but the encounter must be documented by a physician.

• Clarifies that orders may be made verbally for items that do not require a written order before dispensing, but the supplier must have a written order and face-to-face documentation before submitting for payment.

• Clarifies that DME orders for beneficiaries discharging from a hospital do not require a separate face-to-face encounter post-hospitalization.

• Written orders do not require “necessary and proper usage instructions” or the diagnosis, although related diagnoses must be in the Beneficiary’s medical chart and usage instructions provided to the Beneficiary and/or the Beneficiary’s Caregiver.

For more information regarding this and related issues, please contact Adrienne Dresevic, Esq., or Carey Kalmowitz, Esq. at (248) 996-8510, (212) 734-0128 or visit the HLP website.